Body weight
Body weight - the correct body weight is not only an attractive look, but above all is the health. The AMPK Metabolic Activator will help revitalize cellular metabolism and fight unwanted abdominal fat. It will activate the AMPK enzyme - which is present in every cell of our body. As we age - its level is reduced and the result is accumulation of unwanted abdominal fat. Abdominal fat is both - subcutaneous fat and visceral fat, the first one is simply unsightly, while the second one can cause various disorders, such as diabetes, hypertension or coronary heart disease. Very dangerous, because usually unnoticeable, can be metabolic obesity, which occurs at normal body weight in slim people. Adipose tissue accumulated in the abdominal area is very metabolically and hormonally active, and besides accumulating energy reserves, it also produces substances that increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes or inflammation. We recommend the Mega Green Tea Extract (decaffeinated). Just one capsule provides more polyphenols than you get from drinking seven cups of green tea. This advanced extract contains also catechins to support digestion. Forskolin may help increase fat loss and speed up your metabolism. In our offer you will find more supplements wchich may help you get rid of excess kilograms.
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