Food sensitivity is a clinical condition where the consumption of certain foods leads to the occurrence of troublesome symptoms, despite the lack of involvement of the immune system. One of the main mechanisms that may underlie this phenomenon is abnormal histamine metabolism, resulting from reduced activity of the enzyme diamine oxidase (DAO).

Here you can browse information and reports on many diseases and nutrients.
Choose from the menu the topic that interests you about the nutrient or health issue.
Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is the most common malignancy affecting women and the leading cause of cancer deaths in women worldwide. Many risk factors increase the likelihood of developing breast cancer. Modifiable factors that increase risk include poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, and obesity. Conversely, ingestion of healthy foods and beverages have shown protective benefits. Making the right lifestyle changes can reduce women's risk of developing breast cancer.
Why Take Nattokinase Supplements
Life moves fast, but sometimes we are more sedentary than we would like. Between office jobs, traveling and just plain exhaustion after a long day, it can be difficult to find the motivation to get in that needed physical activity. Unfortunately, this throws a wrench not just into our weight management strategies, but also our heart health maintenance. If you're looking to support healthy blood pressure and overall cardiovascular health, nattokinase is a great pick.
Magnesium Deficit and Hypertension
Most men and women in the United States are deficient in magnesium, and this deficiency is strongly correlated with hypertension. Multiple studies have shown that magnesium can help maintain a healthy blood pressure. This has been shown through its ability to increase production of prostaglandin E1, which is a vascular relaxant that also prevents clots from forming inside blood vessels.
How Magnesium Helps Prevent Metabolic Syndrome
Magnesium levels are frequently low in those with metabolic syndrome. A review of clinical trials confirmed that oral magnesium intake improves clinical markers of metabolic syndrome including elevated blood sugar and insulin resistance.
Maximize the Effects of Vitamin C
Humans can't producetheir own vitamin C, which is why it's important to get it daily from outside sources. But there's a problem: When people take large doses of vitamin C, most of it is poorly absorbed and quickly excreted. Scientists have found a solution.
Revitalize Skin with Vegan Procollagen
Vegan procollagen contains an amino acid profile identical to human skin type I collagen. In a clinical trial, an oral vegan procollagen formula decreased wrinkles by 13%-14% in eight weeks.
Neutralizing Acid in the Esophagus
Calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, and deglycyrrhizinated licorice extract have been shown to confer symptomatic relief from heartburn and dyspepsia. Those who seek to reduce or eliminate their reliance on proton pump inhibiting drugs should consider taking 1-2 chewable tablets containing these three nutrients after meals and at bedtime.
How the Microbiome Controls Your Health
The discovery of the human microbiome is changing the ways we think about health and disease. Microbiome is the term for the trillions of living organisms that reside in and on the human body. An estimated 100 trillion microorganisms live in the gut alone—that’s up to ten times the number of cells that make up the body itself.
Mushrooms that Boost Immune Function
Mushrooms have been used medicinally for thousands of years. Modern science has pinpointed a primary reason: They contain beneficial compounds called beta glucans that boost immune function.
Enhancing Growth Hormone Naturally
During our youth, abundant levels of growth hormone (GH) promote an energetic physiology essential for healthy metabolism and an optimal ratio of lean muscle tissue to body fat. By the time we reach middle age, however, levels of essential hormones such as testosterone and DHEA decline, while age-associated decreases in muscle mass and increases in body fat become noticeable.
What is Glutamine?
The versatile and semi-essential amino acid glutamine can improve intestinal health and exercise response.
How Magnesium & Vitamin D Work Together
Magnesium and vitamin D enhance each other’s benefits by boosting nutrient activation, absorption, and delivery. Magnesium and vitamin D are vital to overall health. But you're taking either one alone, you're not getting the full benefits! Research has shown that these two nutrients rely on each other to provide systemic benefits.
Improve Lung Function
With age, lung function begins to decline. The problem is further exacerbated by exposure to secondhand smoke and air pollution. This decline threatens overall health, quality of life, and lifespan. Scientists have identified four plant-derived ingredients that can help counter this decline. Human studies have validated significant improvements in lung function.
Reduce Anxiety to Improve Health
Chronic stress can raise cortisol levels, leading to health issues. Researchers have identified specific plant extracts clinically shown to reduce elevated cortisol and feelings of anxiety.
Remarkable Rejuvenation Effects of Taurine
A low-cost amino acid facilitates a diverse range of biological functions. Taurine has been shown to improve markers of health implicated in rapid-onset aging, along with disorders such as heart disease, sarcopenia4 and dementia.
Bloated? Get Relief
After-meal bloating and other gastrointestinal disturbances can impair our quality of life. Four plant compounds have been shown to relieve after-meal bloating and other GI disturbances.
Reduce Artery Blocking Lipid-Inflammation
Progressive arterial blockage can manifest as coronary heart disease, ischemic stroke, and other bodily impairments.
Novel Support for Chronic Heart Failure, Arrhythmia and Coronary Artery Blockage
New research documents the ability of hawthorn and arjuna to improve cardiac health. The benefits of these botanicals are enhanced heart muscle function and increased coronary blood flow, making them of particular interest to those concerned about congestive heart failure.
Forskolin Supplements: Do They Work?
Adding an extract containing 10 mg forskolin to your daily routine is an easy way to get the benefits of Indian coleus. Stick with a comprehensive approach of a healthy diet and exercise along with complementary nutrient intake to achieve your weight loss goals.
Carnosine, Cataracts, And Visual Clarity
Cataracts cause about half of all cases of blindness worldwide. By age 80, more than half of all Americans will have cataracts, or will have undergone surgery to remove them. Researchers have been investigating two different but related forms of the nutrient carnosine to help slow the development of cataracts as well as improve visual performance of cataract-affected eyes.
Maintain Youthful Urinary Flow
Prostate problems are widespread as men age. Benign prostate enlargement and associated urinary difficulties adversely impact sleep and overall life quality. Researchers have identified nutrients that can improve prostate function and circumvent urinary discomforts. Most impressive are clinical data showing benefits in response to combinations of standardized plant extracts.
Pumpkin Seed Relieves Overactive Bladder Urinary Incontinence
Nearly half of women aged over 70 suffer from chronic urinary incontinence. A groundbreaking discovery using natural plant extracts offers relief by reducing incontinent episodes up to 79%. These same plant extracts may also benefit aged men.
Cranberries: a delicious fruit provides a multitude of health benefits
Cranberries have proven their mettle in fighting urinary tract infections (UTIs).[2] They are currently under investigation for a wide array of other potential benefits as well, including fighting peptic ulcers,[3] and inhibiting the dental plaque that can lead to tooth decay.[4]
Easy Way to Boost Fiber Intake
Fiber from the konjac plant has been shown to provide the same benefits as other soluble fibers, but at a lower dose to reduce feelings of digestive discomfort.
Chlorophyllin Protects Against Environmental Toxins
Every day, we are surrounded by environmental toxins. Studies show they can contribute to diabetes, heart disease, and cancer through induction of mutations to our DNA.Fortunately, an inexpensive supplement - chlorophyllin - has been shown in multiple studies to detoxify these deadly chemicals, and protect DNA. Proper use of chlorophyllin affords considerable defense against the natural and man-made toxins that permeate our food and environment.
What is Bromelain?
Bromelain is an enzyme renowned for inhibiting inflammation, supporting joint comfort, and providing other benefits. Systemic absorption enhances beneficial potential.
Reversing Female Sexual Dysfunction
Sexual dysfunction afflicts more than 43% of all women. While men have pharmaceutical opportunities to restore sexual function, women have largely been left out. Scientists have discovered specific botanical-based extracts that modulate the mechanisms behind female sexual dysfunction and menopausal symptoms.
The Chemistry of Calm
Forty million Americans suffer from some form of anxiety disorder. The problems with anti-anxiety drugs are addiction, lost efficacy, and a host of side effects. In this exclusive excerpt from his latest book, The Chemistry of Calm, psychiatrist Henry Emmons outlines proven natural strategies to safely manage anxiety.
Full-Strength Echinacea
To boost the immune benefits of echinacea, researchers recommend using multiple species and parts of the plant, which are rarely found in commercial supplements.
Fisetin and Brain aging
Nutrients derived from plants have been shown to protect against changes in the brain that lead to neurological disorders. In 2021, two review articles identified fisetin as one of the most promising. Preclinical studies show the potential of fisetin to reduce the impact of stroke, mild cognitive impairment, and dementia.
How Dopamine Protects the Aging Brain
By preserving healthy dopamine levels, phellodendron bark may help maintain clear thinking and motivation—while reducing potential for neurodegenerative illnesses.
How To Restore Your Cellular Energy with D-ribose
D-ribose replenishes the metabolic energy needed by all our cells—including those in our heart and brain—thereby improving cardiac and neurological function and vitality.
What’s in Mushrooms That Supports Healthy Aging?
Increased mushroom consumption has been found to lower mortality risk. A specific mushroom compound is associated with enhanced longevity, reduced telomere shortening, and DNA repair.
A Longer-Lasting Vitamin C
A new liposomal hydrogel formula increased vitamin C blood levels nearly seven times greater than regular vitamin C and kept them higher far longer.
Boost Testosterone Without Drugs
As men age, their testosterone tends to bind to a blood protein rendering the testosterone unavailable to cells throughout the body. A plant-based formula increased free testosterone by 48% in a human study.
A Solution for Brain Fog
We all have moments when we feel mentally fatigued and find it hard to concentrate. This is often referred to as brain fog. Until recently, it was believed that little could be done about it. But by studying various medical conditions associated with brain fog, scientists have pinpointed biological alterations in the brain that may cause these feelings of decreased mental energy and sharpness.
A Brain-Specific Magnesium Relieves Stress
Chronic stress can be worsened by low levels of magnesium. A new form of magnesium has been shown to produce a brain-calming effect.
Protect Your Respiratory System
NAC (N-acetyl-L-cysteine) helps prevent viruses and bacteria from adhering to the lining of the lungs. Data show that NAC reduces excess airway mucus, lowers inflammation, supports pulmonary function, and inhibits infectious colonization.
Prebiotics for Better Health
In a clinical trial at UCLA School of Medicine, researchers found that the prebiotic XOS (xylooligosaccharide) increased the beneficial bifidobacteria for overall health.
Superoxide Dismutase Boosting
The enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) is one of the body’s foremost antioxidant defenses, reducing free radical damage associated with atherosclerosis, stroke, and arthritis. New bioavailable forms of SOD offer superior protection against oxygen free radicals.
Life Extension For Your Pet
Many people consider their pets to be integral parts of the family. Yet their nutrition is not always properly addressed. Here, we highlight the essentials about how to keep your pet healthy.
Brain-Protecting Properties of Melatonin
Melatonin has been shown to help fight cancer, boost immune function, and enable better sleep in some people. This pineal hormone is secreted abundantly in youth but declines with normal aging.
N-acetylcysteine (NAC)
The amino acid derivative N-acetylcysteine protects against a broad array of environmental toxins, helps boost the body’s immune system, and confers other health-promoting benefits.
Reducing the Risks of High Cortisol
Your body releases the hormone cortisol in response to stress. Excess cortisol from chronic stress is linked to everything from diabetes to bone loss, weight gain, and sleepless nights. A low-cost supplement called rhodiola combats cortisol’s lethal effects.
Restore healthy stem cell function
Using deep-learning artificial intelligence, scientists have identified three plant-based nutrients that can help reverse age-related damage to our existing pool of stem cells.
Homocysteine Reduction
Homocysteine is an amino acid made from a common dietary amino acid, methionine, that inflicts damage to the inner arterial lining (endothelium). Elevated levels of homocysteine have been associated with many diseases, including: cardiovascular disease, congestive heart failure, stroke, migraines, age-related macular degeneration, hearing loss, brain atrophy, Alzheimer disease.
Lactoferrin Helps Protect Against Viruses
Lactoferrin, a protein found in mother’s milk, shows antiviral activity in preclinical trials. It impedes viral binding to cell membranes, while activating immune defenses.
New, dangerous coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) Nutritional recommendations when facing coronavirus pandemic.
While medical science is diligently working on the development of an effective treatment, it may be prudent to learn about some protective measures now, and to become informed concerning potential nutritional therapies.
- Project
The Life Extension Foundation offers several hundred products. Thinking about the offer of the portal I focused on the most advanced ones and these formulas which are dedicated to specific diseases.