Choroby naczyniowo-mózgowe, wliczając w to udar mózgu, są trzecią z głównych przyczyn śmierci w Stanach Zjednoczonych i najczęstszym powodem kalectwa wśród starszych Amerykanów. Schorzenia te występują, kiedy naczynia krwionośne, dostarczające mózgowi utlenioną krew, są uszkodzone lub ich funkcje są osłabione. Poważnie ograniczony przepływ krwi, pozbawiający nawet na krótko mózg wystarczającej ilości tlenu, może doprowadzić do udaru.
Tag: "Serce i układ krążenia"
PQQ. Generate Fresh Mitochondria with PQQ
In 1983, Life Extension® introduced a relatively little-known compound called coenzyme Q10. Our review of the literature back then had unearthed data confirming its power to boost the health and energy output of the mitochondria. Today, scientists recognize mitochondrial dysfunction as a key biomarker of aging. To take one instance, researchers have recorded evidence of 50% more mitochondrial damage in the brain cells of humans over 70 compared to middle-aged individuals.
Omega 3. Slash Your Risk for Premature Death with Omega-3s
For years, consumers have been learning of the benefits of reducing cardiovascular disease by ingesting omega-3 fatty acids. This message has made its way into the mainstream as cardiologists now prescribe omega-3 supplements to their patients.
Shed Pounds by Inhibiting Cellular Fat Storage
Health authorities are warning about the devastating consequences of obesity, yet doctors remain in the dark about what causes people to accumulate so many fat pounds as they age. Through a series of well-designed studies, scientists investigating certain plant extracts found they can block fat storage at the cellular level.
Depression. S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) part 2
One of the hardest-working organs in the body, the liver detoxifies environmental contaminants and drugs, manufactures critical compounds needed for blood clotting, and manages cholesterol levels in the blood. Not surprisingly, these chemical reactions produce massive amounts of destructive reactive oxygen species in the liver, mainly in the cellular power plants known as mitochondria.
Enhanced Absorption Ubiquinol CoQ10
Findings just released at the 5th Annual International CoQ10 Symposium (November 9-12, 2007, in Kobe, Japan) show ubiquinol to be remarkably beneficial in those with advanced-stage cardiac disorders. Conventional CoQ10 (ubiquinone), on the other hand, was not adequately absorbed in these cardiac patients. According to the researchers, patients with severe heart failure have difficulty assimilating ubiquinone into their bloodstream, whereas ubiquinol readily absorbs and displays greater...
Using Niacin to Improve Cardiovascular Health
Patient: I recently had a cholesterol profile blood test and learned that I may be at risk of heart disease because my levels of beneficial HDL (high-density lipoprotein) are too low. I read that niacin could help increase my HDL, but my doctor said niacin is dangerous. Whom should I believe?
CoQ10 Technology - Innovation that Never Quits!
Back in 1983, when coenzyme Q10 was first introduced, the only concern was being able to afford it. A 100-count bottle of 10 mg CoQ10 capsules retailed for almost $100 in today’s dollars. CoQ10 prices plummeted as more companies began producing it. In 1995, Life Extension® introduced an oil-soluble CoQ10 for greater absorption into the blood.
Are We All Pre-Diabetic?
Even if a doctor assures you that your blood sugar is “normal,” alarming evidence documents that you are at significant risk of premature death unless you achieve optimal 24-hour-a-day glucose control. Life Extension® long ago warned of the silent dangers when fasting blood sugar exceeds 85 mg/dL. New scientific studies validate this position.
Natural Methods for Reversing Atherosclerosis
Even when cardiologists aggressively manage their patients’ cholesterol and blood pressure levels, millions of Americans continue to suffer heart attacks and strokes. The reason is that many cardiologists fail to address the key underlying cause of coronary artery disease—that of endothelial dysfunction.
Carnosine: Exceeding Scientific Expectations
Almost ten years ago, Life Extension® published compelling data showing that supplementation with higher-dose carnosine induced a wide range of anti-aging effects, including marked reductions in lethal glycation reactions. We reported on experimental findings in the 1990s demonstrating life span extending effects when carnosine was added to the diet.
Green Tea
Scientific research on the health benefits of green tea is expanding exponentially, with more than 1,500 articles published in prestigious journals over the last five years alone. While green tea's medicinal properties have been described for more than 1,000 years, one of its most timely benefits may be supporting weight management by increasing metabolism and promoting fat burning.