In 2004, the FDA mandated that all antidepressants carry a “black box” warning on their labels following the discovery of a heightened risk of suicidal thoughts among children taking the pills. In December 2006, following a huge federal analysis of hundreds of clinical trials, FDA regulators for the first time acknowledged that the drugs can trigger suicidal thoughts among patients older than 18.
Author: Ireneusz Adamczyk
Enhanced Absorption Ubiquinol CoQ109699 Views
Findings just released at the 5th Annual International CoQ10 Symposium (November 9-12, 2007, in Kobe, Japan) show ubiquinol to be remarkably beneficial in those with advanced-stage cardiac disorders. Conventional CoQ10 (ubiquinone), on the other hand, was not adequately absorbed in these cardiac patients. According to the researchers, patients with severe heart failure have difficulty assimilating ubiquinone into their bloodstream, whereas ubiquinol readily absorbs and displays greater...
Newly Discovered Anti-Aging Effects of Ginkgo Biloba11804 Views
A review of the current scientific literature might suggest that ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) is the ultimate natural product—a veritable fountain of youth. Not only can it improve memory and help relieve the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, but recent evidence also suggests that it can improve mental health in healthy older adults and has uses in treating conditions as various as diabetic retinopathy, intermittent claudication, erectile dysfunction, ulcers, and arthritis.
Using Niacin to Improve Cardiovascular Health21510 Views
Patient: I recently had a cholesterol profile blood test and learned that I may be at risk of heart disease because my levels of beneficial HDL (high-density lipoprotein) are too low. I read that niacin could help increase my HDL, but my doctor said niacin is dangerous. Whom should I believe?
Pomegranate Favorably Modulates Gene Expression14756 Views
When we consume fewer calories, one proven benefit is favorable changes in the expression of our genes. Favorable changes occur when “youth genes” that promote cellular vitality are “turned on,” while “senescence genes” that rob cellular functionality are “turned off.” Resveratrol has become popular because like calorie restriction, it favorably alters gene expression in ways that have been shown to protect against age-related disease. Several years ago, researchers discovered significant...
Testosterone. Natural Methods to Improve Vitality, Sexual Function, and Prostate Health27578 Views
As men grow older, they often face daunting health challenges caused by the age-related decline in testosterone levels. As levels of free testosterone dwindle and estrogen levels increase, many men experience diminishing energy levels, reduced libido, decreasing muscle mass, deteriorating mood, abdominal obesity, and perhaps even faltering cognition. At the same time, they become increasingly prone to benign prostatic enlargement (BPH) and prostate cancer.
Tryptophan. Why Aging People Become Depressed, Fatigued, and Overweight part 213326 Views
Fortunately, the new understanding of how tryptophan is degraded in aging humans provides a basis for engineering a natural solution around this epidemic problem. First of all, we know from studies in patients with high levels of systemic inflammation that if sufficient niacinamide is given, the degradation of tryptophan in the body is significantly reduced.
Tryptophan. Why Aging People Become Depressed, Fatigued, and Overweight part 131627 Views
Serotonin is a compound in the brain that promotes feelings of personal security, relaxation, and confidence. A serotonin deficiency can result in sleep disturbance, anxiety, depression, and a propensity to overeat, particularly carbohydrates like simple sugars. Startling research reveals that serotonin levels decline as we age!
CoQ10 Technology - Innovation that Never Quits!8922 Views
Back in 1983, when coenzyme Q10 was first introduced, the only concern was being able to afford it. A 100-count bottle of 10 mg CoQ10 capsules retailed for almost $100 in today’s dollars. CoQ10 prices plummeted as more companies began producing it. In 1995, Life Extension® introduced an oil-soluble CoQ10 for greater absorption into the blood.
Are We All Pre-Diabetic?13791 Views
Even if a doctor assures you that your blood sugar is “normal,” alarming evidence documents that you are at significant risk of premature death unless you achieve optimal 24-hour-a-day glucose control. Life Extension® long ago warned of the silent dangers when fasting blood sugar exceeds 85 mg/dL. New scientific studies validate this position.
Depression. New Human Study Confirms Potent Antidepressant Effects of SAMe21685 Views
Life Extension® introduced SAMe (S-adenosylmethinone) in 1997. Back then it was enormously popular in Europe, but unknown in the United States. The National Institute of Mental Health decided to fund a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial that would evaluate SAMe as an additive therapy in those suffering major depression who were resistant to FDA-approved drugs. Researchers at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital gave patients 800 mg of SAMe twice daily along with a...
Natural Methods for Reversing Atherosclerosis28611 Views
Even when cardiologists aggressively manage their patients’ cholesterol and blood pressure levels, millions of Americans continue to suffer heart attacks and strokes. The reason is that many cardiologists fail to address the key underlying cause of coronary artery disease—that of endothelial dysfunction.