As an aging man, your odds of suffering benign prostate enlargement (BPH) and/or prostate cancer are exceedingly high. BPH will afflict 50% of men over the course of their lives.1,2 At advanced stages, BPH can almost completely obstruct the urethral canal, leading to a host of lower urinary tract symptoms. Prostate cancer remains the second leading cause of cancer death in men, accounting for more than 28,000 deaths and 186,000 new cases in 2008 alone.
Author: Ireneusz Adamczyk
Carnosine: Exceeding Scientific Expectations33371 Views
Almost ten years ago, Life Extension® published compelling data showing that supplementation with higher-dose carnosine induced a wide range of anti-aging effects, including marked reductions in lethal glycation reactions. We reported on experimental findings in the 1990s demonstrating life span extending effects when carnosine was added to the diet.
Osteoporosis. The Importance of Bone HealthPosted in: Inflammations, Heart and circulatory system, Vitamin D, Osteoporosis, Vitamin K, Menopause9110 Views
The health of our bones is instrumental to our health and longevity in general. This understanding is especially important today, because there are so many toxins and contaminants in the environment and food chain. Keeping our bones and GI tract healthy is the first step to maintaining a healthy immune system, which is vital in protecting us from the epidemics and pandemics that seem to be lurking around every corner.
The Lancet Reports Extremely Positive Data on Green TeaPosted in: Inflammations, Cancer, Green tea, Diabetes, Slimming, Joints, Brain, memory and concentration, Antioxidants9245 Views
As medical researchers continue to uncover the health benefits of green tea, one might think that these discoveries are of recent origin. In fact, the Western world’s growing interest in green tea’s disease-preventive effects tends to overshadow what Asian cultures have known for thousands of years: that green tea is one of nature’s most potent agents in protecting the body against a host of illnesses, thus offering real hope to those seeking to live longer, disease-free lives.
Green Tea9671 Views
Scientific research on the health benefits of green tea is expanding exponentially, with more than 1,500 articles published in prestigious journals over the last five years alone. While green tea's medicinal properties have been described for more than 1,000 years, one of its most timely benefits may be supporting weight management by increasing metabolism and promoting fat burning.
Discovering Coffee's Unique Health Benefits10318 Views
Every morning, many of us sip our coffee with no real thought given to the beans behind the brew. But coffee beans are extra-ordinarily complex fruits containing over 1,000 compounds - only a handful of which have ever been individually investigated by scientists. Not only is coffee packed with antioxidants, but it is the greatest source of antioxidants in the American diet.
Cukrzyca opis choroby Część 26512 Views
Cukrzycy typu 1 potrzebują dożywotniej insulinoterapii, choć suplementy wymienione w niniejszym rozdziale mogą pomóc zmniejszyć niektóre z powikłań wywołanych przez cukrzycę (np. obniżoną zdolność antydoksycyjną i glikację), a także zwiększyć metabolizm glukozy. Chorzy na cukrzycę typu 2 mogą przeciwdziałać progresji choroby, poprzez poprawę wrażliwości na insulinę, zwiększając metabolizm glukozy i próbując łagodzić powikłania cukrzycy.
Cukrzyca opis choroby Część 1Posted in: Carnosine, Omega-3 fatty acids, Coenzyme Q10, Green tea, Diabetes, Lipoic acid, Ginkgo biloba7132 Views
Brak kontroli nad cukrzycą może nieść poważne konsekwencje zdrowotne, takie jak ślepota, niewydolność nerek, zwiększone ryzyko chorób serca oraz bolesne uszkodzenia nerwów obwodowych. Obecnie, większość lekarzy skupia się na leczeniu poprzez ścisłą kontrolę poziomu cukru we krwi. Cukrzyca jest charakteryzowana jako zwiększony poziom glukozy we krwi (formy cukru używanej przez komórki jako energia), ale to uproszczone podejście może w rzeczywistości przyspieszyć rozwój najpowszechniejszej...
Autoimmune Diseases part 2Posted in: Autoimmune diseases, Inflammations, Carnosine, Omega-3 fatty acids, Anti-aging, Coenzyme Q10, Green tea, Vitamin E, Selenium13506 Views
In a healthy body, circulating antibodies attack and destroy pathogenic invaders by means of humoral or cell-mediated immunity. In autoimmune disease, circulating antibodies seek, attack, and destroy self-antigens found in healthy tissue (see Table 1 for examples).
Autoimmune Diseases part 1Posted in: Autoimmune diseases, Inflammations, Carnosine, Omega-3 fatty acids, Cancer, Anti-aging, Vitamin E, Selenium13966 Views
Autoimmune diseases are characterized by the body's immune responses being directed against its own tissues, causing prolonged inflammation and subsequent tissue destruction. Autoimmune disorders can either cause immune-responsive cells to attack the linings of the joints (resulting in rheumatoid arthritis) or trigger immune cells to attack the insulin-producing islet cells of the pancreas (leading to insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus).
How Resveratrol Combats Leading Causes of Death13969 Views
In 1997, the first scientific paper on resveratrol was published showing that this polyphenol could prevent cancer in experimental models.1 Since then, researchers have documented resveratrol’s ability to favorably modulate multiple processes associated with degenerative disease, from atherosclerosis to obesity.
Nutrient Intervention for Glaucoma16991 Views
Glaucoma is the second-leading cause of blindness.1 It often progresses without symptoms until it succeeds in damaging the optic nerve.2 Up to 50% of people with glaucoma remain undiagnosed,3 and as many as one in ten individuals aged 80 or older are afflicted by it.