Be it work, finances, relationships, or health issues, most of us experience stressful events at some point in our lives. But today, researchers are witnessing levels of stress that are virtually unprecedented.
Author: Ireneusz Adamczyk
Migraine. Control Underlying Factors Behind Migraines12374 Views
Migraines are more than just headaches. They are serious disorders that can cause lasting neurological damage and increase the risk of stroke as well as dementia.
Safely Manage Autoimmune Diseases18901 Views
Mainstream medicine has no cure for the millions who suffer from crippling autoimmune conditions such as arthritis, lupus, and psoriasis.
Vitamin B129059 Views
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin), nature’s most chemically complex vitamin, also has been called its most beautiful, owing to the rich, dark red color of its crystals. But praise for the last B vitamin to be identified is hardly limited to its physical properties: B12’s vital role in the treatment of pernicious anemia has won it a dedicated following among physicians for decades. Vitamin B12 also has been shown to guard against stroke and heart disease, and contribute to relieving asthma, bursitis,...
The Little-Known Benefits Of Tocotrienols33557 Views
If your vitamin E supplement contains only tocopherol forms, you may not be getting all of the benefits this nutrient has to offer. While tocopherols are very important, they lack many of the synergistic benefits offered by their cousins, the tocotrienols. Few people realize that vitamin E is composed of eight different compounds. Half of these are called tocopherols, which is the most common form of vitamin E. The other half are known as tocotrienols.
Omega-3. The Purest EPA-DHA Fish Oil in the World14210 Views
For many years, Life Extension members were provided with omega-3 fish oil of extraordinary stability and purity. Not content with these lofty standards, a new fish oil has just come to market that provides consumers with an even better omega-3 blend at no additional charge! Omega-3 fatty acids from cold-water fish have received an enormous amount of favorable publicity. One reason is that there have been more scientific studies to document fish oil’s multiple health benefits than perhaps any...
Omega 3. Groundbreaking Study Reveals New Mechanism Behind Fish Oil's Health Benefits12677 Views
By now most people know that omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil have remarkable health-protecting benefits. In fact, the science behind it is so strong that Big Pharma has jumped on board with expensive fish oil prescription drugs.
Nadciśnienie - naturalne sposoby w walce z ukrytym zabójcą5535 Views
U ludzi mających ponad 55 lat istnieje ponad 90% ryzyko rozwoju wysokiego ciśnienia krwi. Eksperci szacują, że ten „ukryty zabójca” odpowiada za 40,5 miliona wizyt u lekarza każdego roku.Niestety, są one często zbyt późne. Nieodpowiednia kontrola ciśnienia krwi powoli uszkadza nerki i układ naczyniowy, często doprowadzając do ataku serca, udaru czy niewydolności nerek.
Why So Many Arthritis Sufferers Fail to Find ReliefPosted in: Omega-3 fatty acids, Green tea, Joints, Lipoic acid, Mitochondria, Resveratrol, Curcumin, PQQ9161 Views
Our society has been programmed to believe that complex medical problems can be fixed with simple solutions. Everyone reading this article has probably seen thousands of TV commercials promoting immediate relief from arthritis pain by taking the right brand of aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or naproxen.
Curcumin. Novel Turmeric Compound Delivers Much More Curcumin to the Blood part 29138 Views
Among curcumin’s many benefits, protection from neurological damage ranks high on many researchers’ lists. “Curcumin has at least 10 known neuroprotective actions and many of these might be realized in [living subjects]…” wrote American scientists recently, in Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. “Dietary curcumin is a strong candidate,” they added, “for use in the prevention or treatment of major disabling age-related neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and...
Curcumin. Novel Turmeric Compound Delivers Much More Curcumin to the Blood part 18915 Views
Curcumin has long been known to have poor bioavailability, requiring high doses to achieve desired blood levels. A novel curcumin absorption system has been developed that delivers up to seven times more pharmacologically bioactive curcumin to the blood compared with commercial curcumin products.
Carnosine: A Proven Longevity Factor12830 Views
Mounting evidence documents the ability of carnosine to prevent many of the detrimental effects of aging. In our youth, carnosine shields us from the onslaught of oxidation, glycation, DNA damage, and other reactions that injure tissues and cripple organs.