Choroby naczyniowo-mózgowe, wliczając w to udar mózgu, są trzecią z głównych przyczyn śmierci w Stanach Zjednoczonych i najczęstszym powodem kalectwa wśród starszych Amerykanów. Schorzenia te występują, kiedy naczynia krwionośne, dostarczające mózgowi utlenioną krew, są uszkodzone lub ich funkcje są osłabione. Poważnie ograniczony przepływ krwi, pozbawiający nawet na krótko mózg wystarczającej ilości tlenu, może doprowadzić do udaru.
Author: Ireneusz Adamczyk
Low Testosterone Promotes Abdominal Obesity in Aging Men13401 Views
As men age, many become trapped in a vicious cycle that leads to life-threatening abdominal obesity. No matter how much they exercise or how little they eat, these men are unable to shed this excess weight that accumulates in their belly. Published studies have shown that low testosterone and obesity reinforce each other, trapping men in a spiral of weight gain and hormonal imbalance.
PQQ. Generate Fresh Mitochondria with PQQ15637 Views
In 1983, Life Extension® introduced a relatively little-known compound called coenzyme Q10. Our review of the literature back then had unearthed data confirming its power to boost the health and energy output of the mitochondria. Today, scientists recognize mitochondrial dysfunction as a key biomarker of aging. To take one instance, researchers have recorded evidence of 50% more mitochondrial damage in the brain cells of humans over 70 compared to middle-aged individuals.
Protecting Against Glycation and High Blood Sugar with Benfotiamine part 29339 Views
Studies in animals powerfully support these encouraging findings with research from a number of quarters revealing the benefits of benfotiamine in preventing diabetic complications. German researchers working with diabetic rats studied the effects of benfotiamine and thiamine on nerve function and on the formation of AGEs in nerve tissue.
Protecting Against Glycation and High Blood Sugar with Benfotiamine part 114555 Views
For decades, European doctors have prescribed diabetic patients a fat-soluble form of vitamin B1 called benfotiamine to treat neuropathies and help prevent complications such as blindness, kidney failure, heart attack, and limb amputation. Benfotiamine blocks destructive biochemical pathways that enable high blood sugar levels to damage nerves and small blood vessels.
The Inflammatory Factor Underlying Most CancersPosted in: Inflammations, Omega-3 fatty acids, Cancer, Green tea, Prostate, Pomegranate, Lipoic acid, Curcumin13841 Views
Implicated in the onset of 95% of all cancers is a common but under-recognized molecule most people have never heard of: nuclear factor-kappaB or NF-kB. Emerging research is validating the danger it poses to maturing individuals. For example, a landmark study published late last year confirmed, for the first time, NF-kB’s central role in the onset of malignant breast cancer.
Omega 3. Slash Your Risk for Premature Death with Omega-3s10993 Views
For years, consumers have been learning of the benefits of reducing cardiovascular disease by ingesting omega-3 fatty acids. This message has made its way into the mainstream as cardiologists now prescribe omega-3 supplements to their patients.
Turn Off Your Fat Switch: Deflating Your Spare Tire For a Longer, Leaner Life12390 Views
If you’re like most Americans, you are struggling with at least a few extravpounds. And if you’re over 40, those extra pounds are probably accumulatingvwith an unwelcome preference for your mid-section. Spare-tire fat distribution is more than an unsightly annoyance. Fatvthat accumulates in your belly is extremely dangerous!
Shed Pounds by Inhibiting Cellular Fat Storage12158 Views
Health authorities are warning about the devastating consequences of obesity, yet doctors remain in the dark about what causes people to accumulate so many fat pounds as they age. Through a series of well-designed studies, scientists investigating certain plant extracts found they can block fat storage at the cellular level.
Preserving and Restoring Brain Function part 210986 Views
While various factors threaten us with “brain drain” as we age, the good news is that modern science has identified nutrients that can slow or even reverse the progression of this once-inevitable decline. These supplements offer a smart option for maintaining brain health throughout life.
Preserving and Restoring Brain Function part 19968 Views
Protecting brain health is vital if the pursuit of a longer life is to have any meaning. According to current wisdom, some degree of cognitive impairment is all but inevitable as we age. That is, unless steps are taken to prevent it. Scientists in Texas recently noted, “As life expectancy increases worldwide, pandemics of cognitive impairment and dementia are emerging as major public health problems.”
Depression. S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) part 213877 Views
One of the hardest-working organs in the body, the liver detoxifies environmental contaminants and drugs, manufactures critical compounds needed for blood clotting, and manages cholesterol levels in the blood. Not surprisingly, these chemical reactions produce massive amounts of destructive reactive oxygen species in the liver, mainly in the cellular power plants known as mitochondria.