The versatile and semi-essential amino acid glutamine can improve intestinal health and exercise response.
Digestive system
Bloated? Get Relief
After-meal bloating and other gastrointestinal disturbances can impair our quality of life. Four plant compounds have been shown to relieve after-meal bloating and other GI disturbances.
Easy Way to Boost Fiber Intake
Fiber from the konjac plant has been shown to provide the same benefits as other soluble fibers, but at a lower dose to reduce feelings of digestive discomfort.
Milk Thistle Promotes Liver Detoxification
The liver is a primary defense against daily toxins. People used to think that the main threat to their liver was alcohol. Today's nemesis is obesity. The result is an epidemic crisis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Liver-related deaths jumped 65% between 1999 and 2016. Milk thistle extract has demonstrated benefits for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, alcoholic liver disease, and cirrhosis. When standardized extracts of milk thistle are combined with a phospholipid...
Block The Deadly Effects Of Acid Reflux
Those who complain about symptoms of acid reflux (heartburn) at least once a week are not alone. A startling 10 to 30% of Americans and Europeans may suffer symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Digestive Enzymes. Are You Obtaining the Proper Enzymes?
Even if you eat a healthy diet, you may not be absorbing vital fat-soluble nutrients and amino acids needed for optimal health. That's because with age, we experience a decline in the enzymes our bodies produce to break down foods into absorbable nutrients.
Coffee. National Institutes Of Health Discovers Protective Effects Of Coffee
An exciting new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests that coffee drinking may add years to your life span. Evidence is rapidly accumulating about the ability of coffee to reduce vascular disease, slash cancer risk, preserve cognition, and mitigate diabetes/obesity.
Critical Need For a Multi-Modal Approach to Combat Obesity part 2
Blocking the breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates are important points of intervention for losing weight. The objective is to target specific enzymes in the intestine, before calorie-rich carbo-hydrates enter the circulation.
Critical Need For a Multi-Modal Approach to Combat Obesity part 1
The scientific community now recognizes the role that obesity plays in the induction of age-related diseases and early death.1 The lethal consequences of even a few extra pounds have led to public outcries that Americans have to shed excess fat.
Turn Off Your Fat Switch: Deflating Your Spare Tire For a Longer, Leaner Life
If you’re like most Americans, you are struggling with at least a few extravpounds. And if you’re over 40, those extra pounds are probably accumulatingvwith an unwelcome preference for your mid-section. Spare-tire fat distribution is more than an unsightly annoyance. Fatvthat accumulates in your belly is extremely dangerous!
Neutralizing Acid in the Esophagus
Calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, and deglycyrrhizinated licorice extract have been shown to confer symptomatic relief from heartburn and dyspepsia. Those who seek to reduce or eliminate their reliance on proton pump inhibiting drugs should consider taking 1-2 chewable tablets containing these three nutrients after meals and at bedtime.