In 1983, Life Extension® introduced a relatively little-known compound called coenzyme Q10. Our review of the literature back then had unearthed data confirming its power to boost the health and energy output of the mitochondria. Today, scientists recognize mitochondrial dysfunction as a key biomarker of aging. To take one instance, researchers have recorded evidence of 50% more mitochondrial damage in the brain cells of humans over 70 compared to middle-aged individuals.
Brain, memory and concentration
Udar mózgu i choroby naczyniowo-mózgowe. Część 1
Choroby naczyniowo-mózgowe, wliczając w to udar mózgu, są trzecią z głównych przyczyn śmierci w Stanach Zjednoczonych i najczęstszym powodem kalectwa wśród starszych Amerykanów. Schorzenia te występują, kiedy naczynia krwionośne, dostarczające mózgowi utlenioną krew, są uszkodzone lub ich funkcje są osłabione. Poważnie ograniczony przepływ krwi, pozbawiający nawet na krótko mózg wystarczającej ilości tlenu, może doprowadzić do udaru.
Udar mózgu i choroby naczyniowo-mózgowe. Część 2
Większość uszkodzeń wywołanych przez udar mózgu występuje w ciągu 24 godzin, dlatego bardzo istotne jest, aby pacjenci jak najszybciej otrzymali odpowiednie leczenie, przywracające dopływ krwi i ograniczające zły wpływ. Jeżeli udaro-podobne symptomy trwają ponad 10 minut, natychmiast wezwij pomoc, nawet jeśli nie masz pewności, że jest to udar.
Udar mózgu i choroby naczyniowo-mózgowe. Część 3
Odżywcza terapia w przypadku chorób naczyniowo-mózgowych związanych z miażdżycą ma kilka powiązanych ze sobą celów. Zaliczamy do nich odwracanie zaburzeń śródbłonka dzięki substancjom odżywczym, które pobudzają śródbłonkową produkcję tlenku azotu, zmniejszają stany zapalne, poprawiają i przywracają mózgowy przepływ krwi oraz zapewniają przeciwutleniające wsparcie, redukując poziom szkodliwych wolnych rodników.
PQQ. Reverse Brain Cell Death by Growing New Mitochondria
Go to Google and enter “mitochondria” and “neurodegeneration.” You’ll find hundreds of published studies linking the two. The decay of mitochondria in brain cells is a primary cause of all neurodegenerative disorders, from Parkinson’s to dementia.
Pterostilbene - The “Other” Resveratrol. A Novel Method to Simulate the Genetic Effects of Caloric Restriction
Scientists have discovered a plant extract related to resveratrol that mimics many of the beneficial effects of caloric restriction. This natural compound favorably regulates genes involved in the development of cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and the system-wide inflammation that underlies a variety of age-related disorders.
Carnosine: A Proven Longevity Factor
Mounting evidence documents the ability of carnosine to prevent many of the detrimental effects of aging. In our youth, carnosine shields us from the onslaught of oxidation, glycation, DNA damage, and other reactions that injure tissues and cripple organs.
Curcumin. Novel Turmeric Compound Delivers Much More Curcumin to the Blood part 2
Among curcumin’s many benefits, protection from neurological damage ranks high on many researchers’ lists. “Curcumin has at least 10 known neuroprotective actions and many of these might be realized in [living subjects]…” wrote American scientists recently, in Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. “Dietary curcumin is a strong candidate,” they added, “for use in the prevention or treatment of major disabling age-related neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and...
Omega 3. Groundbreaking Study Reveals New Mechanism Behind Fish Oil's Health Benefits
By now most people know that omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil have remarkable health-protecting benefits. In fact, the science behind it is so strong that Big Pharma has jumped on board with expensive fish oil prescription drugs.
The Little-Known Benefits Of Tocotrienols
If your vitamin E supplement contains only tocopherol forms, you may not be getting all of the benefits this nutrient has to offer. While tocopherols are very important, they lack many of the synergistic benefits offered by their cousins, the tocotrienols. Few people realize that vitamin E is composed of eight different compounds. Half of these are called tocopherols, which is the most common form of vitamin E. The other half are known as tocotrienols.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin), nature’s most chemically complex vitamin, also has been called its most beautiful, owing to the rich, dark red color of its crystals. But praise for the last B vitamin to be identified is hardly limited to its physical properties: B12’s vital role in the treatment of pernicious anemia has won it a dedicated following among physicians for decades. Vitamin B12 also has been shown to guard against stroke and heart disease, and contribute to relieving asthma, bursitis,...
Migraine. Control Underlying Factors Behind Migraines
Migraines are more than just headaches. They are serious disorders that can cause lasting neurological damage and increase the risk of stroke as well as dementia.