For many years, Life Extension members were provided with omega-3 fish oil of extraordinary stability and purity. Not content with these lofty standards, a new fish oil has just come to market that provides consumers with an even better omega-3 blend at no additional charge! Omega-3 fatty acids from cold-water fish have received an enormous amount of favorable publicity. One reason is that there have been more scientific studies to document fish oil’s multiple health benefits than perhaps any...
The Little-Known Benefits Of Tocotrienols
If your vitamin E supplement contains only tocopherol forms, you may not be getting all of the benefits this nutrient has to offer. While tocopherols are very important, they lack many of the synergistic benefits offered by their cousins, the tocotrienols. Few people realize that vitamin E is composed of eight different compounds. Half of these are called tocopherols, which is the most common form of vitamin E. The other half are known as tocotrienols.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin), nature’s most chemically complex vitamin, also has been called its most beautiful, owing to the rich, dark red color of its crystals. But praise for the last B vitamin to be identified is hardly limited to its physical properties: B12’s vital role in the treatment of pernicious anemia has won it a dedicated following among physicians for decades. Vitamin B12 also has been shown to guard against stroke and heart disease, and contribute to relieving asthma, bursitis,...
Vitamin K2. Protecting Bone and Arterial Health with Vitamin K2
Millions of people take calcium supplements to maintain healthy bone. Yet few patients or physicians realize that optimizing bone integrity involves more than taking a single mineral supplement. A critical additional component for bone and cardiovascular health is vitamin K2.
The Silent Epidemic of Iodine Deficiency
Typical Western diets are low in iodine. When iodized table salt is reduced, people can easily become iodine insufficient or deficient. Inadequate iodine not only impairs thyroid function, but is also linked to increased risks of breast cancer and fibrocystic breast disease, along with fatigue and weight gain.
Quercetin: Broad-Spectrum Protection
Quercetin is naturally abundant in plant foods and as a result is highly bioavailable.Nonetheless, most people do not obtain sufficient quercetin levels through their daily diets. This is unfortunate because large-scale epidemiological studies show that sustained high intake of quercetin and related flavonoids provides substantial protection against cardiovascular disease.
Boswellia, An Effective Pain Relief
Low-level inflammation is an underlying factor for six of the ten leading causes of death. Studies have shown that Boswellia extract significantly improved arthritis patients’ pain and function in just seven days while suppressing causative agents involved in chronic inflammation.
Wide-Ranging Longevity Benefits Of Pycnogenol
Discovered in Europe, a standardized French Maritime pine extract improves congestive heart failure, reduces markers of metabolic syndrome, and protects against neurological disorders.
Reduce Artery Blocking Lipid-Inflammation
Progressive arterial blockage can manifest as coronary heart disease, ischemic stroke, and other bodily impairments.
Remarkable Rejuvenation Effects of Taurine
A low-cost amino acid facilitates a diverse range of biological functions. Taurine has been shown to improve markers of health implicated in rapid-onset aging, along with disorders such as heart disease, sarcopenia4 and dementia.
Why Take Nattokinase Supplements
Life moves fast, but sometimes we are more sedentary than we would like. Between office jobs, traveling and just plain exhaustion after a long day, it can be difficult to find the motivation to get in that needed physical activity. Unfortunately, this throws a wrench not just into our weight management strategies, but also our heart health maintenance. If you're looking to support healthy blood pressure and overall cardiovascular health, nattokinase is a great pick.