Probiotics, the beneficial bacteria commonly found in yogurt cultures, are popularly thought of as an aid to good digestion. But scientists are discovering that probiotics and the resulting healthy balance of gut bacteria confer a broad spectrum of previously unrecognized health benefits.As we age, take antibiotics, or eat an unhealthy diet, the delicate balance between beneficial and bad gut bacteria becomes disrupted.
Oral Probiotics Combat Gum Disease
In the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, caring for oral hygiene seems to be particularly important. The human mouth is teeming with bacteria that can cause dental cavities and more serious gingivitis and periodontitis. Even good oral hygiene habits of brushing and flossing twice a day might not be enough to ward them off.
Prebiotics for Better Health
In a clinical trial at UCLA School of Medicine, researchers found that the prebiotic XOS (xylooligosaccharide) increased the beneficial bifidobacteria for overall health.
What is Glutamine?
The versatile and semi-essential amino acid glutamine can improve intestinal health and exercise response.
How the Microbiome Controls Your Health
The discovery of the human microbiome is changing the ways we think about health and disease. Microbiome is the term for the trillions of living organisms that reside in and on the human body. An estimated 100 trillion microorganisms live in the gut alone—that’s up to ten times the number of cells that make up the body itself.
Probiotics supports mood and relaxation
Anxiety and mood disorders are now being recognized as major medical and societal issues. With millions of people medicated for mood disorders that include anxiety and mild depression, researchers have sought a safer way to reduce their impact. In a unique discovery, two specific probiotic organisms have been identified that show impressive reductions in the manifestation of stress, anxiety, and depression. Human studies on two unique probiotics (Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 and...