Is soy safe? A vocal minority has fueled a “controversy” of misinformation that surrounds this nutritional powerhouse. A review of the published scientific literature uncovers a wealth of studies validating soy’s broad-spectrum benefits, from cardiovascular disease and cancer prevention, to helping to maintain bone density.
A Non-Hormone Approach to Menopause Management
Menopausal women can obtain symptomatic relief with proper use of estrogen, progesterone, and other hormones. Life Extension® has long advocated for bio-identical hormones as opposed to horse urine-derived estrogens and synthetic progestogens. Some women, however, choose not to replace hormones and endure years of misery. A non-hormonal approach has been demonstrated with an extract made from Siberian rhubarb. It's been used successfully in Germany since 1993.
Estrogen. Enjoy Estrogen’s Multiple Benefits While Guarding Against Potential Risks
Women who properly replace their estrogen and progesterone usually feel better, sleep better, look better, think better, have stronger bones, firmer muscles, improved endothelial function, and longer life spans.
Reversing Female Sexual Dysfunction
Sexual dysfunction afflicts more than 43% of all women. While men have pharmaceutical opportunities to restore sexual function, women have largely been left out. Scientists have discovered specific botanical-based extracts that modulate the mechanisms behind female sexual dysfunction and menopausal symptoms.
Osteoporosis - The Little-Known Link Between Bone Health and Total Health
Scientists at the leading edge of osteology (bone research) are discovering that in addition to immune strength, blood cell production, and nervous system function, a healthy skeletal system is also essential to insulin sensitivity, energy metabolism, and weight management.
Osteoporosis. The Importance of Bone Health
The health of our bones is instrumental to our health and longevity in general. This understanding is especially important today, because there are so many toxins and contaminants in the environment and food chain. Keeping our bones and GI tract healthy is the first step to maintaining a healthy immune system, which is vital in protecting us from the epidemics and pandemics that seem to be lurking around every corner.
Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is the most common malignancy affecting women and the leading cause of cancer deaths in women worldwide. Many risk factors increase the likelihood of developing breast cancer. Modifiable factors that increase risk include poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, and obesity. Conversely, ingestion of healthy foods and beverages have shown protective benefits. Making the right lifestyle changes can reduce women's risk of developing breast cancer.