While various factors threaten us with “brain drain” as we age, the good news is that modern science has identified nutrients that can slow or even reverse the progression of this once-inevitable decline. These supplements offer a smart option for maintaining brain health throughout life.
Tag: "Fosfatydyloseryna ps"
Preserving and Restoring Brain Function part 1
Protecting brain health is vital if the pursuit of a longer life is to have any meaning. According to current wisdom, some degree of cognitive impairment is all but inevitable as we age. That is, unless steps are taken to prevent it. Scientists in Texas recently noted, “As life expectancy increases worldwide, pandemics of cognitive impairment and dementia are emerging as major public health problems.”
Feed Your Brain!
Millions of people around the world are adhering to low-fat, low-cholesterol diets in an effort to reduce the impact of disease-promoting calories. What they don’t realize is they’re also starving their brains of specific nutrients needed for memory and healthy cognitive function.