It is estimated that 85% of the oxygen contained in every breath you take is consumed by the mitochondria within each cell of your body.1 The decay of these energy-producing powerhouses in turn lies at the core of most age-related pathologies.
Vitamin C and Dihydroquercetin
Every day, our bodies are under continual assault by damaging agents known as free radicals. Generally, both internal and dietary antioxidants do an excellent job of keeping free radicals in check. However, once this balance is disrupted, lethal diseases such as cancer, heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, and stroke can be initiated.
How Resveratrol Combats Leading Causes of Death
In 1997, the first scientific paper on resveratrol was published showing that this polyphenol could prevent cancer in experimental models.1 Since then, researchers have documented resveratrol’s ability to favorably modulate multiple processes associated with degenerative disease, from atherosclerosis to obesity.
Cukrzyca opis choroby Część 1
Brak kontroli nad cukrzycą może nieść poważne konsekwencje zdrowotne, takie jak ślepota, niewydolność nerek, zwiększone ryzyko chorób serca oraz bolesne uszkodzenia nerwów obwodowych. Obecnie, większość lekarzy skupia się na leczeniu poprzez ścisłą kontrolę poziomu cukru we krwi. Cukrzyca jest charakteryzowana jako zwiększony poziom glukozy we krwi (formy cukru używanej przez komórki jako energia), ale to uproszczone podejście może w rzeczywistości przyspieszyć rozwój najpowszechniejszej...
Cukrzyca opis choroby Część 2
Cukrzycy typu 1 potrzebują dożywotniej insulinoterapii, choć suplementy wymienione w niniejszym rozdziale mogą pomóc zmniejszyć niektóre z powikłań wywołanych przez cukrzycę (np. obniżoną zdolność antydoksycyjną i glikację), a także zwiększyć metabolizm glukozy. Chorzy na cukrzycę typu 2 mogą przeciwdziałać progresji choroby, poprzez poprawę wrażliwości na insulinę, zwiększając metabolizm glukozy i próbując łagodzić powikłania cukrzycy.
Discovering Coffee's Unique Health Benefits
Every morning, many of us sip our coffee with no real thought given to the beans behind the brew. But coffee beans are extra-ordinarily complex fruits containing over 1,000 compounds - only a handful of which have ever been individually investigated by scientists. Not only is coffee packed with antioxidants, but it is the greatest source of antioxidants in the American diet.
The Lancet Reports Extremely Positive Data on Green Tea
As medical researchers continue to uncover the health benefits of green tea, one might think that these discoveries are of recent origin. In fact, the Western world’s growing interest in green tea’s disease-preventive effects tends to overshadow what Asian cultures have known for thousands of years: that green tea is one of nature’s most potent agents in protecting the body against a host of illnesses, thus offering real hope to those seeking to live longer, disease-free lives.
Carnosine: Exceeding Scientific Expectations
Almost ten years ago, Life Extension® published compelling data showing that supplementation with higher-dose carnosine induced a wide range of anti-aging effects, including marked reductions in lethal glycation reactions. We reported on experimental findings in the 1990s demonstrating life span extending effects when carnosine was added to the diet.
Are We All Pre-Diabetic?
Even if a doctor assures you that your blood sugar is “normal,” alarming evidence documents that you are at significant risk of premature death unless you achieve optimal 24-hour-a-day glucose control. Life Extension® long ago warned of the silent dangers when fasting blood sugar exceeds 85 mg/dL. New scientific studies validate this position.
Pomegranate Favorably Modulates Gene Expression
When we consume fewer calories, one proven benefit is favorable changes in the expression of our genes. Favorable changes occur when “youth genes” that promote cellular vitality are “turned on,” while “senescence genes” that rob cellular functionality are “turned off.” Resveratrol has become popular because like calorie restriction, it favorably alters gene expression in ways that have been shown to protect against age-related disease. Several years ago, researchers discovered significant...
Preserving and Restoring Brain Function part 1
Protecting brain health is vital if the pursuit of a longer life is to have any meaning. According to current wisdom, some degree of cognitive impairment is all but inevitable as we age. That is, unless steps are taken to prevent it. Scientists in Texas recently noted, “As life expectancy increases worldwide, pandemics of cognitive impairment and dementia are emerging as major public health problems.”
Shed Pounds by Inhibiting Cellular Fat Storage
Health authorities are warning about the devastating consequences of obesity, yet doctors remain in the dark about what causes people to accumulate so many fat pounds as they age. Through a series of well-designed studies, scientists investigating certain plant extracts found they can block fat storage at the cellular level.