Patient: I recently had a cholesterol profile blood test and learned that I may be at risk of heart disease because my levels of beneficial HDL (high-density lipoprotein) are too low. I read that niacin could help increase my HDL, but my doctor said niacin is dangerous. Whom should I believe?
Vitamins B
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin), nature’s most chemically complex vitamin, also has been called its most beautiful, owing to the rich, dark red color of its crystals. But praise for the last B vitamin to be identified is hardly limited to its physical properties: B12’s vital role in the treatment of pernicious anemia has won it a dedicated following among physicians for decades. Vitamin B12 also has been shown to guard against stroke and heart disease, and contribute to relieving asthma, bursitis,...
Why People Supplement with B Vitamins
B vitamins help guard against cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disorders, and vision loss. Because B vitamins are water-soluble and poorly absorbed by aging adults, daily supplementation is often critical.
Brain Protection from New Form of Vitamin B12
Two active forms of vitamin B12 offer support to the aging brain. Preclinical data shows one of the forms protects dopamine levels. People with vitamin B12 deficiencies frequently suffer anemia, weakness, and fatigue. But there are more dangerous effects. Low vitamin B12 levels have been associated with progressive brain atrophy (shrinkage). One study found an astounding 517% greater rate of brain volume loss in people with lower vitamin B12 than those with higher B12 levels.
How Dopamine Protects the Aging Brain
By preserving healthy dopamine levels, phellodendron bark may help maintain clear thinking and motivation—while reducing potential for neurodegenerative illnesses.