Konwencjonalne leczenie nadciśnienia rozpoczyna się od modyfikacji stylu życia, z jednoczesnym dodaniem jednej lub więcej terapii lekami przeciwnadciśnieniowymi, by osiągnąć docelowy poziom ciśnienia krwi – mniejszy niż 140/90 mm Hg (andlt; 130/80 mm Hg dla osób z cukrzycą lub chorobami nerek). Badania jednak wykazały, że ciśnienie krwi większe niż 115/75 mm Hg może zwiększyć ryzyko powstania choroby naczyniowej.
Vitamin K
Ciśnienie krwi i nadciśnienie - „zarządzanie”. Część 3
Wysokie ciśnienie krwi jest bardzo niebezpieczne. Pacjenci często dowiadują się o nim dopiero kiedy wystąpi atak serca czy udar.
Osteoporosis - The Little-Known Link Between Bone Health and Total Health
Scientists at the leading edge of osteology (bone research) are discovering that in addition to immune strength, blood cell production, and nervous system function, a healthy skeletal system is also essential to insulin sensitivity, energy metabolism, and weight management.
Vitamin K2. Protecting Bone and Arterial Health with Vitamin K2
Millions of people take calcium supplements to maintain healthy bone. Yet few patients or physicians realize that optimizing bone integrity involves more than taking a single mineral supplement. A critical additional component for bone and cardiovascular health is vitamin K2.
Enhancing the Life Saving Benefits of Vitamin K
Recent studies have expanded our understanding of vitamin K. We've long known it to be essential for bone density along with heart health. One study found that people aged 55 and older with the highest intake of vitamin K had a 57% lower rate of death from coronary heart disease over 10 years—and a 26% lower rate of death from any cause. A 2017 study showed that people with the highest intake of vitamin K had a 22% lower rate of bone fractures.
Osteoporosis. The Importance of Bone Health
The health of our bones is instrumental to our health and longevity in general. This understanding is especially important today, because there are so many toxins and contaminants in the environment and food chain. Keeping our bones and GI tract healthy is the first step to maintaining a healthy immune system, which is vital in protecting us from the epidemics and pandemics that seem to be lurking around every corner.