Named for the moon goddess Selene, the mineral selenium deserves to be treated with reverence. Perhaps no other mineral can match selenium’s versatility and wide array of health benefits. Selenium is crucial for antioxidant defenses, boosts the immune system, and helps prevent cancer in several distinct ways.
Selenium: What Forms Protect Against Cancer?
The role that selenium plays in combating various forms of degenerative disease has been known for several decades. More recent data have intensified scientific interest in its specific anti-cancer mechanisms. Researchers have found that selenium favorably modulates gene expression to suppress a protein involved in tumor onset, growth, and metastasis.
Autoimmune Diseases part 2
In a healthy body, circulating antibodies attack and destroy pathogenic invaders by means of humoral or cell-mediated immunity. In autoimmune disease, circulating antibodies seek, attack, and destroy self-antigens found in healthy tissue (see Table 1 for examples).
Autoimmune Diseases part 1
Autoimmune diseases are characterized by the body's immune responses being directed against its own tissues, causing prolonged inflammation and subsequent tissue destruction. Autoimmune disorders can either cause immune-responsive cells to attack the linings of the joints (resulting in rheumatoid arthritis) or trigger immune cells to attack the insulin-producing islet cells of the pancreas (leading to insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus).